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Old 04-30-2010, 04:13 PM   #59
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Location: Cary, NC
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Takes me back to my point though, there's a difference between presenting it and having students able to learn it.

We've got a shortage of students who know what to do with "c", "a", and "t" in words, wtf makes anyone think they'd know what to do with them as numbers?

As I mentioned (which I hadn't posted before your comment), they already start seeing it in 3rd grade even in the backasswards clusterfuck that are Georgia schools, how much earlier can it really go?

Also as I mentioned, my son's class is roughly 1-2 years ahead of the state norm already. And while I didn't see even basic algebra until the 8th grade (circa 1980) he's seen basic algebra for several years already. But that has come at the expense of things that I had much earlier (such as understanding the relationship between fractions & division; a/b = a divided by b) not coming until the past year or even not fully yet at all.

I did not realise they'd already advanced the curriculum (I hit it in around 7th grade in the early 80s as I remember). As far as the rest of it, I agree wholeheartedly that they aren't really worried about TEACHING it, at least beyond what it takes to pass the standardized tests. And even those some teachers and admins have been cheating on to keep pushing kids ahead.
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