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Old 04-29-2010, 11:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Montreal, Canada
Does anyone know an operation that can connect my brain to my mouth?

Came home from work yesterday and noticed the wife's hair looked different, I *thought* it looked a little redder, but didn't say anything at first since I wasn't 100% sure, me being an idiot and all. We were outside later and then I noticed it was definitely redder than usual.

me: what did you do to your hair? (in a perfectly normal tone of voice)
her: I coloured it.
me: wtf did you do that for?
her: just to experiment and have fun.
me: what's wrong with doing that with other women instead?
her: silence
her: do you like it?

Now, what I wish I had said, what I really WISH I had said was "yes".

What actually came out was something that *might* have sounded like "I always wanted to have sex with Raggedy Ann" but possibly a little cruder.

Guess who got to watch sportscenter all by himself?

Why don't I ever learn?!?!?

Last edited by sposfan : 04-29-2010 at 11:07 AM.
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