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Old 04-29-2010, 10:24 AM   #33
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
I disagree with any radical change that amounts to 'well lets not do anything beyond the most basic algebra'. If you want to make a standard non-college trade-school track through high school I would be behind that if we pushed as a society for not using degrees as a sledgehammer to people's futures in employment.

We already have the most expensive secretaries in the world (college degrees are common 'preferences' for low paying office drones). I am opposed to anything that involves people delaying learning to college where it is much more expensive to EVERYONE involved (student, school, national funding). Inevitably a bunch of students are going to sign up for this 'easy street' and then change their mind and decide they have to go to college. All you've done is clubbed their knee caps and gave them a bill for thousands of dollars to catch up in the race.

Hell, not everyone can be Jeff Gordon, but you have your way and we'll see even more people who can't keep up with the pace car!

I probably overestimate what people are capable of, I think most people choose and embrace ignorance, rather than being fundamentally weak in the head in some way from birth or upbringing. We need less molly-coddling and laziness, and more people determined and capable to be builders instead of consumers. Anyone who says only a portion of the people need to be the brains is the same person that will keep your salary low the rest of your life and then say when you lose your job 'well if you had any skills and education you wouldn't be in this position'. If life is going to be harsh, at least start early enough that people can prepare for it, instead of being dependent on federal charity.
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