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Old 04-28-2010, 04:12 PM   #7
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by SportsDino View Post

This is the same as engineers downplaying the liberal arts, they think as long as they can do math that they'll never have need to communicate with someone else, or understand how history and social science help to understand the context and the process of what people are doing all around them. It is just an extension of the 'people are mindless cogs in a giant machine' type of thinking, they put it under the friendly name of 'specialization' but its really just making kids braindead and minimally functional to live the dumb consumer lifestyle.

Funny you mention this. I am an engineer, and with spell checkers and grammar checkers so easily available these days I ask myself all of the time why so much grammar or literature is needed. Then I read posts online from random people and can barely understand what they are saying, or attempting to say. I suddenly realize removing those classes would not be too smart.
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