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Old 04-28-2010, 03:48 PM   #53
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: San Diego via Sausalito via San Jose via San Diego
Originally Posted by tyketime View Post
Not so fast, Master Jedi:

And more evidence:

I highly doubt that Apple suggested a Elian Gonzalez style raid on the guys house from Gizmodo.

Real life story: The building I was in was broken into and laptops and other items were stolen out of peoples' offices, however, I don't know what happened with all of that and I assume it was handled by the sheriffs department. The big difference though, this was on Apple property and I could see where it would make sense if Apple did push for an investigation in that instance.

I do find it odd though, that Apple's own attorney was not aware that Apple was already a part of the task force (REACT) that the DA referred them to. I wish I could find it, but, I heard on the radio this morning, that it was not Apple that asked for the investigation, but, the employee who lost the iPhone asked for the investigation. It was a very short blurb and they didn't say if Apple had 'suggested' he do it or anything else like that.

So, we'll see. If Apple did indeed spear head the breaking into the Gizmodo dudes house, then that's a first that I've heard of something like that.

Actually now, reading back, I want to be clear as to what I'm arguing about...I'm arguing that Apple did not led/spear head the storming of the reporters house, however, I can kinda see where they would ask the REACT team to investigate the matter, even though (to me) it seems to be a clear case of profiting on lost/stolen property and trying to get the scoop before some other website did. If Apple did indeed ask for that guys house to be raided, that is just wrong in my opinion and they have everything coming to them, if they do get sued.
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