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Old 04-28-2010, 03:27 PM   #1
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: SF
Do kids really need math beyond algebra?

I think the teaching, content and assessment of math is so far behind the technology available and needed that it would be more beneficial to reduce the high school graduation math requirement to Algebra I (a class that is often taken in 8th grade).

The main benefit of math (and most subjects for that matter) is not the specific content learned, but rather it's learning to learn in a different critical way. I think students can learn the critical thinking skills they would learn from math today in a much more efficient, engaging and successful way; primarily through the use of technology. for example it is much more beneficial to know how to use excel than it is to know how to balance a check book by hand.

Much like students take an intro of biology, chemistry, American literature, wood shop, etc, math should also be approached as an introduction to the field of mathematics. If a student is interested in the subject, they can take more.

We are still trying to teach the style of math that was created in response to sputnik. however, through technology we now have the ability to teach in a far more dynamic, engaging and macro scope.

I think for the vast majority of people (in non-math related fields) in this country having a very good understanding of algebra would provide them with the skills needed to be successful/competent. our technology has created a society where only basic math is required, so why waste the students time teaching them something technology has made obsolete?

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