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Old 04-28-2010, 10:18 AM   #84
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: NYC
Originally Posted by albionmoonlight View Post
This, I think, better refines the idea I was getting at. Most people don't distinguish between the person and the athlete. When people hear Danny Wurfell, they think "failure" or "bust," even though--as a human being--he has actually done great things through his ministry.

Maybe the difference is simply that we are conditioned to view athletes almost entirely through what they do on the field. Almost every other job, because it is not so visible, does not inspire that reaction from us.

Right, and it's also why most people view them as good guys, or look up to them in some way, despite not knowing a thing about them personally. Works both ways.

I'm pretty confident that if you were walking down the street wearing your Wuerfell jersey, and someone came up to you and said, "Why are you wearing the jersey of a failure?" and you responded with "Are you saying he's a failure as a football player or as a person?" they would say the former 99% of the time, with the remaining 1% asking who gives a shit.
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