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Old 04-28-2010, 10:15 AM   #82
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
Nobody is saying that means he's a failure as a person. As a professional technology professional? He's an abject disaster who cost IBM millions of dollars in both money spent out and time lost from the design departments total failure for three years. I said it above in the thread when Tigercat was talking about how good of a guy Russell was. I don't think Danny Wurfall, Heath Schuler or Akili Smith are failures in life. I think they are failures as professional football players. There is a big difference.

This, I think, better refines the idea I was getting at. Most people don't distinguish between the person and the athlete. When people hear Danny Wurfell, they think "failure" or "bust," even though--as a human being--he has actually done great things through his ministry.

Maybe the difference is simply that we are conditioned to view athletes almost entirely through what they do on the field. Almost every other job, because it is not so visible, does not inspire that reaction from us.
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