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Old 04-28-2010, 09:50 AM   #77
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by Tigercat View Post
His delivery is long, but don't agree with slow. He can whip the ball out there pretty fast when he wants too. And that isn't close to why he was so horrible last year. (And plenty of long delivery QBs have been successful in the NFL.)

By NFL standards, it's incredibly slow. (in actuality, you really can't be "long" and "fast" in the NFL. You'll have trouble naming QB's who are 75% as long as Russell. When there are 90 or so QB's in the league at one time and you have the longest delivery by far, it might just be that the other guys are right. A long delivery in the NFL not only means more sacks/fumbles, it means the loss of accuracy. You have a small window to throw the ball into in the NFL. You also have to make split second decisions. Well, combine those two and you see where the problems come in. You make a read, the ball needs to be out right NOW. Even if you throw the ball exactly where you want it, if the timing is off, you are toast. The only way to overcome that is to make decisions with more speed.

Unless you are Peyton Manning or Tom Brady, that causes a ton of problems. Again, there is a reason 95% of NFL QB's don't have long throwing motions like Russell does.
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