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Old 04-28-2010, 09:31 AM   #76
College Starter
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Federal Way, WA
Originally Posted by albionmoonlight View Post
Russell also provides another example of how we measure success for athletes so differently than any other walk-of-life.

If your college roommate had invented some social networking program in his dorm room and got paid $20 million dollars by Google after graduating to come work for them and develop his product and then spent the next three years coasting until Google decided to let him go, you would consider him a success.

There might be some sense of lost potential there. But the story would generally go "Did you hear about that guy who invented SuperTwitter? He got, like, $20 million dollars for it from Google and now he just hangs out on the beach all day and drinks beer. That's awesome."

Not a new point, but athletics is one of the only areas where a guy can become a multi-millionaire doing what he loves and be considered a "failure."

No one pays you more for being an unproven prospect than the NFL. Big money for unproven ideas in other fields? Sure. But unproven personal talent? The NFL wins in a landslide.
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