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Old 04-28-2010, 09:20 AM   #73
Join Date: Oct 2000

Sorry, but you never were able to address the guy's limitations. He has a long, slow delivery of the football. That's something that just can't be fixed easily, even if he had a great work ethic. (which he doesn't)

As for being right, I'm not sure. There will be three QB's from the 2007 draft class to be assured of starting jobs this year. Kevin Kolb, Trent Edwards, Matt Moore (undrafted FA)

Quinn has an outside shot.

Of the four, I think Kolb certainly is in the best position to succeed. Stud WR, solid running game, good defense, good offensive minded coach. He has a shot. Edwards gets one more chance and Moore/Quinn are already looking over their shoulder at the hot shot young draft pick.

If Kolb bombs out, I think it's safe to say there won't be a pro bowl QB from the entire class.

Last thing on Russell. . . with how technical this league is becoming, there are very, very few players who can miss mini camp/training camp and part of the regular season and ever succeed. I don't think Russell ever had much of a chance, but missing all of that time (no matter who was at fault) killed his chances of ever reaching his potential.
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