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Old 04-26-2010, 11:09 PM   #33
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Now that Alzar has found the gold key, and cleared out this section of the complex, he goes back to the first room, and takes the west exit, which ends at a locked door. Inserting the gold key causes the lock to open.

It is empty save for an pen corner cabinet in the corner and they are lined with treasure, gems and gold coins. Of course, Alzar knows it is an illusion from the Doppleganger’s info. Alzar knows that the illusion covers a teleport device, and he orders the whole gang there at once.

The tomb they arrive in is musty and old. There are 10 stone sarcophagus lining the walls. There are no doors or exits from here. Alzar starts having Lastion open up sarcophagus, starting with the first one on the left.

This one switches the teleport so that Alzar can teleport back.

The next one has 1200 sp

3 has a wight, which pops out. Alzar tries to control it. Alzar can control it on a 16 or higher. Failure. Alzar orders in the animal skeletons, since they are not subject to the Wight’s attack. It gets a fee attack on lastion, and hits for 4 damage. Lastion is at 9 hp.

Combat begins. Only five skeletons can attack at a time because the wight is still in the sarcophagus. The wight cannot be hit by the animal skeletons because it can only be hit by magical weapons, so it kills one. Alzar had forgotten that (failed an INT check). 15 skeletons left.

Alzar’s spells are not going to help here (Sleep, Animate Dead Animals are all that’s left.) The mage volunteers to cast his only spell at the Wight, which is convientantly Magic Missile, so he drops the chest and loads it up and casts it. The Wight takes 4 damage. It misses the animal skeletons.

Alzar grabs the +1 axe and sighs. Only he can damage the Wight, but if it hits him, he loses a full level.

He swings through an animal skeleton in order to get to the Wight, and kills the skeleton, and deals 6 to the Wight. The Wight kills a skeleton and Alzar is down to 13 of them., He orders them back.

Alzar wins init. He slices deep into the Wight for 8 damage. The Wight scratches out and…hits Alzar. Alzar has lost a level. He becomes level 2 as a Necromancer. He took 4 damage.

Alzar wins init and kills the Wight.

Alzar’s new XP is 2501. He gains no XP from killing the Wight.

He will still gain all of the XP from this adventure. He loses the ability to cast second level spells and the Ancient Languages proficiency.

Inside the sarcophagus is 200 pp which he grabs for one of the chests.

Well, suck
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