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Old 04-26-2010, 10:27 AM   #101
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
I dunno, Carter may have been embarassing in Cold War and Iran relations, but at the same time we didn't end up in an economy draining war with soldiers dying every day because of it either. I give the overall failure to Bush Jr. on that vote.

W easily wins the worst in my lifetime vote, he managed to take political evil to the level of an artform, and hide it under the facade of incompetent boobery... or his handlers did anyway.

As for the whole 'China' tangent someone went on above... W's actions strengthened China's position, pretty much across the board. They own our debt after all, and arguably are the biggest winner of the oil crash of a couple years ago (stockpiling while prices are low instead of hyping the end of the economy on CNBC FTW!).

Both parties are responsible for the house of cards economy, I'd argue W handled it worst than Clinton. A lot of the stuff during Clinton's time also comes from a Republican majority congress, and the big evils perpetrated are, surprise, surprise, new laws sent out from Congress. You could argue Clinton should have gone veto happy, but why would he when he is bribed too?
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