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Old 04-24-2010, 12:24 PM   #85
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Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by gstelmack View Post
As pointed out elsewhere, I don't BLAME him for this, I just don't want to give him CREDIT for it either. The part that frustrated me was when ENRON went down, everyone turned to the "typical Republican support for business", ingoring the fact that the Bush administration was in office when they got taken down, and Clinton was in office when they did most of their damage.
People who blame either President for what Enron did have a fundamental lack of knowledge of the situation. There is a really good book that covers the whole scandal and people would realize that no President had the power to stop what they were doing. There were too many things that came together to make it happen.

Bush doesn't get blame because he was in office during it. He gets blame because of his connections to the company. Enron was a large supporter of his and Bush allowed them to write the energy bill. I don't think he did anything wrong in regards to the Enron collapse, but he should have never let them write the energy policy of this country. It's just a massive conflict of interest and a political favor at the highest levels.
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