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Old 04-24-2010, 09:18 AM   #78
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2008
interesting. well, shit:

good: deregulation created a business boom and in the wake of the oil crisis.

bad: modern corporatism. everyone knew that deregulating the markets would eventually lead to monopolies.

his war on drugs set black communities back 50 years.

iran/contra is almost comical in it's modern day consequences.

i'd sum up his presidency by calling it 'burning bridges to the future'

good: he had a trillion dollar industry fall from the sky (internet). so, right place right time?

bad: he deregulated the markets further. looted social security and called it surplus. put the nail in the coffin of blue collar america with nafta.

and some other stuff.

the great unspoken fear in politics back in the 90's was that china would somehow lay claim to middle eastern oil.

like it or not bush did what he had to.

kissinger said history would be kind to him and i tend to agree. yes, it was bs and yes the 'war' is for oil. but without it our 'green' transition is a lot less gradual and a lot more road warriors.
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