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Old 04-24-2010, 08:10 AM   #76
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Location: Cary, NC
Originally Posted by JPhillips View Post
Funny then that even now after two recessions the GDP is much higher than it was when Clinton came into office. There was a ton of real and lasting productivity growth in the nineties. Look at companies like Wal-Mart or Fed-Ex or any number of others and you'll see great leaps in productivity that still last.

You can say Clinton had nothing to do with that, but arguing that there was no real growth in the nineties is silly.

Sorry, I'll clarify. Clinton is lauded for fantastic economic growth in the 90s, where I'd argue much of it was a house of cards. That isn't to say there wasn't growth at all, but I think we really had a much more typical or average economy if you will, and he wouldn't be getting all these kudos if it weren't for all the faked numbers.

As pointed out elsewhere, I don't BLAME him for this, I just don't want to give him CREDIT for it either. The part that frustrated me was when ENRON went down, everyone turned to the "typical Republican support for business", ingoring the fact that the Bush administration was in office when they got taken down, and Clinton was in office when they did most of their damage.
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