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Old 04-23-2010, 05:07 PM   #44
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Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by DanGarion View Post
Clinton is the reason there is so much dissension between the parties nowadays anyway...
We might agree but for very different reasons. Politics has never been civil but the bloodthirsty partisanship of today was born in the 1994 midterm elections when the GOP ran a vicious anti-Clinton campaign that really changed the tone of politics. In his second term, the hatred of the far right due to Clinton's poor personal choices led to a level of attack we hadn't seen in American politics in a while, and that gave way to the Rise of Karl Rove. On a visciousness scale, Clinton isn't even in the ballpark of the what's happening today.

As for my vote, I probably should have gone with Nixon but he actually had some victories before his poor personal choices did him in. Carter was a sorry president but the Camp David Accords remain the single greatest Middle East peace accomplishment ever. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place between Iran and the economy, and I'm not sure there was a way out of either one.

W however took the cake for managing to do what no one else has ever done ... fuck up both the economy and foreign relations. Even Hoover didn't do both of those.
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