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Old 04-23-2010, 03:01 AM   #20
Join Date: Mar 2008
So how about someone who very much enjoys manager games but doesnt have a clue about baseball.

For example, with very little studying and the aid of in-game help, i got pretty good at football manager pretty fast without understanding the mechanics of soccer at all going into it.

So, basically, i get the basic gist of baseball. Hit the ball. Homerun good. No-hitter awesome. You play 9 innings i guess, and the hitting team changes with 3 outs.

Will i just waste 40 euros on this, or will the game explain the stuff it has and hold my hand a bit?

And to complicate things, no, i have no intention of watching baseball or starting to follow it in real life.

ALSO, please use vaseline the next time you fuck europe in the ass - we're paying 30% more for a game about a sport that is barely known here... But all kidding aside, can i enjoy the game?

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