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Old 04-22-2010, 09:22 PM   #420
Join Date: Oct 2000
Well, I guess we'll see. I'd be lying if I said I liked the pick, the trade to get the pick or that we really needed another QB.

On the other side of it. . . this will be the defining move of McDaniels tenure in Denver. If it fails, he's gone in two years. If it works, we have a QB who is a hard worker and likely won't hold out for big contracts or screw twenty year olds in public restrooms. (note I said likely, who the hell knows for sure)

The difference between the Raiders and the Broncos is that this is all the head coach doing it. If he doesn't get it right, Bowlen will find someone he thinks can get it right. Rather than draft the fastest available idiot twenty years in a row.
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