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Old 04-22-2010, 08:52 PM   #23
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by PineTar View Post
The single best customer service representative I've ever had to deal with was Mary Ellen Girard from viatech. I have no idea if she's still associated with the company or not, as my direct dealings with her were from six years ago, but the immediacy and thoroughness in which she worked through my problems was so impressive, the experience sticks with me to this day.

Unfortunately, none of the emails are signed by a person just

Thank you,

Customer Support
ViaTech Technologies, Inc.
[email protected].

In any case, what is the draw for using viatech as opposed to the myriad of online distributors who don't require customers to jump through hoops? It's not like they're the only game in town any more and even if they worked the vast amount of times they still require far more conscious maintenance than any game should require. I mean, I have to upgrade windows, why must I find every game that uses this method before I do it or I'm screwed? As a customer of fairly trivial entertainment purchases I'm no longer to deal with that headache. I wouldn't even do it for FM but I've bought the last two copies of that game from steam and I can play them whenever I want no problem.
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