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Old 04-21-2010, 11:31 AM   #39
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
Originally Posted by Celeval View Post
Show B the house, but honor the handshake agreement. If A backs out or it falls through, go back to B.

This would be my choice. Plenty of "A"s fall through.

In a related story, when we bought our current home, we saw it on the first day it was open for showing (this was 5 years ago when the market was hot). This was on a Thursday.

Since we really liked the house, we made an offer right away, just a few thousand under the (reasonable) asking price.

The owner, who seemed to be under a time constraint and also was later proven to be quite a douchebag (we still get letters addressed to him from bill collectors and lawyers, he routed the sump pump outflow into our 90-year-old neighbor's driveway (which we rectified), etc...), agreed readily to our offer and by that evening we had a signed contract on both sides.

His realtor went ahead with the showing on Sunday anyway (which seems reasonable, after all our financing could always fall through or something).

By Monday they had several other offers, a few of which were more than our offer and more than the asking price.

So this guy calls up his realtor and tells her to tell us we'll "get" to match the highest offer, or the sale is off.

Our realtor, bemused, told me this and asked me how I'd like to respond. I told her to tell him that he was more than welcome to negotiate changes to our signed contract, and if that was indeed his intent he should address any further communication to our lawyer.

Needless to say, he got the point.
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