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Old 04-20-2010, 11:38 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bloomington, IN
So this is what instant karma looks like...

I left work this afternoon and went to retrieve my wife's car from the parking garage (it's a 2002 Volkswagon Beetle). In the dust on my back window, someone had drawn a giant penis with the words "Jew Dog" beneath it.

If I was Jewish, this slur might have offended me.

What struck me the most was something the erstwhile slur artist probably didn't notice.

See, we've got a new puppy. His tummy has been very unsettled recently with the latest batch of de-wormer, so he's been throwing up with some frequency. Last night, he threw up on the living room floor. I asked the boys to clean it up. You know how they handled it? They scooped up this big log of semi-solid dog vomit and heaved it out the front door...where it splatted right on the back windshield of my wife's car.

I was planning on running it through the car wash on my way home.

The slur artist managed to draw the shaft of the penis right through the splat of dog vomit.

I wonder if he washed his hands before dinner. Given the way the universe sets these things up, I'm guessing not.

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