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Old 04-20-2010, 07:51 PM   #42
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: NYC
Originally Posted by Flasch186 View Post
Meaning its not buyers only or seller's only nor a flat fee MLS Co. We offer full service real estate out of our Co.

I'm not trying to downplay what your company could actually do, I'm just having trouble figuring out the "seat at the table" connection (and I'm only focusing on that because that's the intent of your logo). Is this because traditionally, in your area maybe, people who want to buy a house are being pushed towards something they don't want and aren't being shown the houses/areas/neighborhoods etc they want? So you're trying to show that your company will value their wishes? Similarly, I don't see how that hooks in sellers.

Very possible I'm just being obtuse or showing my lack of knowledge on how the transaction-side of the real estate market works, so keep that in mind.

Maybe it's because my Treasury Dept union (which I'm not a member of but I still receive the benefits for) has "a seat at the table" in their tagline as in "we're representing your interests when you can't be there to speak for yourself".
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