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Old 04-19-2010, 08:45 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
some notes fromt he USFL site so I can have them all in one place:

With the round table logo with an empty seat.

Trying to imagine how to best set it up so you GET that the open seat is for the customer......

Maybe an empty circle? Dunno. But something to convey the open seat is for them and the table is filled with folks working for them.

Just my 2 c.

I like #3 Flasch. I kinda got more of a feeling that the empty seat was for the customer with that one, for some reason. Good luck with the new business!

I'm an engineer and a lousy artist, so I'd probably just try trial and error putting the 'empty' seat at each of the four positions to see if any give the effect that House of Lords is mentioning.

Although, a slightly different 'tag line' occurred to me. "Get a seat at the table" is what popped into my mind. In that case, its not so much people working for them that are sitting at the table, but its more that the customer's investments with RoundTable realty will get the customer a seat at the table with the big (rich) dogs.

I suppose you've already rejected all the Arthurian and Camelot sort of themes that come to mind with a name like "RoundTable".

Putting a New Spin on Real Estate!


Commissioner of the USFL
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