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Old 04-19-2010, 08:36 AM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
I believe the current handicapping has Elena Kagan as the favorite, but I'd love to see Diane Wood get the nomination, on the basis that any liberal who can routinely take on Posner & Easterbrook will be more than a match for Scalia, Roberts, Alito and Thomas (in descending order of intellectual gravitas).

But no, we probably won't see a significant shift in SCOTUS makeup until:

1. Kennedy retires
2. A "liberal" judge retires while a Republican is POTUS
3. A "conservative" judge retires while a Democrat is POTUS

As I said in the Obama thread (a year or two ago), I still expect Ginsburg to be the next to go, almost certainly while Obama is still in office.

Lastly, it'll be interesting to see if the GOP really makes good on its filibuster fireworks threats this time around. McConnell is clearly feeling his oats and probably wants some sort of victory going into the midterm elections.
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