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Old 04-15-2010, 02:43 PM   #65
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fantasyland
Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
Winning is affected by the whole team...not just the QB. The offense and the defense. While in a team sport like football it's probably very difficult to remove the effect of all other plays and isolate a player's true value, winning goes in the extreme opposite direction.

Hint: Big Ben is not the best QB in NFL history.

Yea, did the Steelers go from 6-10 to 15-1 when Ben took over the helm as a rookie with few other changes to the lineup? You really want to try to argue that the guy with the most wins in NFL history in his first 5 years (I think it's 6 now) is somehow mediocre? You want to argue that a guy who regularly finishes in the top 5 in the statistic that the NFL goes by is somehow an average QB? Good luck with that uphill battle. Personally, I think your opinion is absurdly incorrect. You might as well be arguing that Roger Staubach sucked ass.

Hint: I never said he was. But when you look at the statistic that counts - wins - he tops everyone else and I think he's 2nd in winning percentage all-time.
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