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Old 04-15-2010, 02:20 PM   #35
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
I am working on the space station political sim (thread is in Dynasty Reports, haven't updated in a while though).

Its not my perfect game, but it is tackling something that has always been lacking, really good negotiation AI and interface. Don't know how well it will fit people's political ambitions though, the issues are all sci-fi, and I'm trying to avoid liberal/conservative/libertarian biases or too many issues that will make teabaggers picket my game.


My perfect game (well multiple, been dreaming these up a while):


1. A detective game, similar to Grand Theft Auto (one big city), but you are solving crimes and you need to collect evidence... but there are no minigames or paths to solving the missions. Each crime is an AI driven criminal and unfolds procedurally different each time... there will be best practices of course, like avoiding crime scene contamination, finger printing, good interrogation techniques, etc... but you don't know what will be evidence and what is just noise.

The game doesn't have missions, you are in this city and crimes are constantly occurring. At higher difficulty levels you get tougher villains entering your city, such as serial killers, political assassins, the mob, white collar conspiracies, and so on. You also can just nab people stealing purses from little old ladies or do traffic violations (although the game focuses around homicide detective role as the central focus).


2. Privateer on steroids and modernized. I love the feeling of being the captain of a ship and running cargo or mercenary, or generally just wide open universe with optional storylines to follow.

To make it perfect, ramp up the AI, allow a lot more freedom to explore and mission types, make non-mission play exciting and interesting, and make the ambient environment full of enough stuff that it feels like a real universe.

This will probably be my second game.


3. War shooter. Plays like battlefield 2, except its one massive multiplayer server with a single ongoing war between multiple factions. A war lasts on the order of weeks or months, and you are just a soldier somewhere in the chain of command trying to win each battle. As you near the core cities of a faction the defensive positions get stronger and the supply lines shorter for defense, so it gets progressively harder to win.


4. Legacy RPG. Your character is actually a dynasty of characters that plays out over generations. You can go from an everyday peasant to emperor of the world (and back down again). The world evolves procedurally so you see a single inn grow into a village, than perhaps a town, a castle, an empire... or perhaps somewhere along the way fade into oblivion and rubble.

I think its possible to get a story that works, but failing that, you can just make it a procedural open world game where the goal is character advancement and just exploring and altering the game environment. The idea of a sandbox RPG seems possible, although the tech required would be massive.

If I ever build this, it would probably be a platinum seller easy, and steal people's lives away.
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