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Old 04-15-2010, 11:47 AM   #13
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2008
Wow! I remember seeing Type-O at, I believe, the first Ozzfest. I was amazed at how, even with the decidedly metal crowd in attendance, Type-O was able to bring a strange hush over the entire audience when they played "Jackhammer Rape." Grown men in Slayer shirts had utter looks of horror on their faces. They sort of went in a different direction after their first 2 albums, and although I liked Bloody Kisses, I considered it their jumping the shark album and was highly disappointed by October Rust. Even still, their first two albums, Origin of the Feces and Slow Deep and Hard were huge for me in my youth and selections from both still make their way onto my various playlists.

Pete Steele is dead. Wow.
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