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Old 04-15-2010, 11:13 AM   #32
High School Varsity
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Western NY
I'm equally intrigued by the thought of a FOF/FM hybrid


To piggyback on SteveBollea, a very immersive political sim -- with the option to play as any country, and with [obviously] very different objectives and challenges based upon the country.

Throw it all in there: War, terrorism, scandal, your typical domestic/foreign affairs, economics, political enemies trying to sabotage you, natural disasters, one of your kids going public that he's gay [not that there's anything wrong with that], well-developed characters to round out your cabinet and your opposition, covert ops to destabilize other countries, declaring war under false pretenses, maybe an option to start as a governor or senator and try to win the presidency?

Unrealistic? Probably, but this is just a wish thread, so what the hell . . . .
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