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Old 04-13-2010, 09:05 PM   #68
High School JV
Join Date: Jun 2009
Originally Posted by JeeberD View Post
If someone isn't happy with something, I'll be more than happy to let the manager know and it'll get taken off, or remade, or both. But don't get huffy and start demanding the entire meal for free, and don't eat almost the whole thing and then say you didn't like it...
I agree with this.

Sounds like a bad manager to me. You wouldn't or shouldn't Comp all their meals if everyone else completely ate and enjoyed their meals. Maybe, comp the bad meal and offer free desserts all around, but you wouldn't pick up their entire check.

Also, did they ever let someone know about the bad meal before the check came? Was Olive Garden ever given a chance to fix the problem?
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