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Old 04-13-2010, 12:37 PM   #22
Captain Obvious
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
Oh yes, most definitely understand that. Plus, there's more Windows based machines than Macs, so potential customers are not as many for Macs for text sim games, which are already a pretty niche market in my opinion.

Question for you Marc: As far as 'extra' (don't know how to really phrase it) development needed to create a cross platform app, about what percentage of extra work is required? For example, is it 15% more work or 90% more work? I know it's not an exact number someone could come up with, but just an approximation.

Just to offer my own opinion. If the game is written from the ground up in a language that is platform independent, and is designed with the idea that you will be porting the game to multiple platforms, the upfront effort is there and doesnt change much, but the porting is a lot less that that. I would guess that 15% is probably realistic though. Espeically if you include testing and QA

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