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Old 04-12-2010, 05:21 PM   #1
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Amarillo, TX
Best place for info on cell phones?

So no, I don't quite know what it's like to be hit by a Mack truck. After all, it was a Freightliner.

I was stopped at a red light on my way to work this morning when I got rear-ended by an 18-wheeler. Car's totaled, I'm all right, yadda yadda yadda...

...but it was as I was standing by the side of the road with no cop in sight that I began to seriously rethink my whole "I don't need a cell phone plan" idea. I'm not a big fan of cell phones, even as they have become the standard. I like the idea that when I'm not at home, I'm out of contact - that if I see someone calling and I don't want to talk to them, I can let it go to the machine and the person calling doesn't know that I haven't really left the house. I'd rather people think I'm behind the times than ignoring them.

But here I was, with an undrivable vehicle, and no way to call my wife, my shop, the police. The minutes passed by with no sign of a police officer - previous mere fender-benders had brought them to the scene in seconds - and I began to get really nervous. We've got one of those pay as you go phones, but we only toss it in the car for emergencies (heh). At any rate, even that wouldn't have a camera on the phone, like the other driver was using to take pictures of the accident site. Then I wondered what the chances were that I could have to face a court battle against this guy's insurance company and had no photographic evidence to show that it was this guy's truck that hit my car? I wondered how much my car was worth...but of course had no way to check the Internet until I got back from the doctor. And so on and so forth... I think I've come around to the idea of being connected. But having more or less ignored the cell phone wars since they were the size of bricks and called "portable phones", I don't know what I even need, let alone what brands, models, or contracts to get. We've got:

2 adults (no kids)
fewer than a half dozen long distance numbers called
some texting required, not much
3-6 local calls a day made (usually)
need a camera
need internet
full querty keypad preferred
not big on ringtones, mp3s, etc., but I'd fill mine with apps (if available)
coverage in area is historically spotty, I think

So...I don't know that I need or even want specific input from folks here - that step will come after I get a handle on a make, model, and plan I like and I look for feedback on folks with that experience. What I think I need right now is a website to go to that's trustworthy enough that I can educate myself about the options, or narrow a search in a database. I'll probably hit Consumer Reports while I'm there since I also need a new car, but anyplace dedicated to the subject that stands head and shoulders above the competition?

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