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Old 04-11-2010, 03:18 PM   #56
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Fresno, CA
I politely turn them away. "simply not interested"

A guy I went to high school with had a JW "kit" that he put together. If contained an old copy of the Watchtower predicting the end of the world. He then denounced the publishers of the watchtower and his guests as false prophets, and then went back to the "kit" for his bible. He would quote scripture related to dealing with false prophets. Then one final trip back to the "kit" for a brick which he say that by rights he should stone them. As far as I know, they took that address off of the list permanently. No more visits.

My favorite is a Jewish friend of mine who was stopped by a couple of Mormon missionaries while walking to lunch from the office.
"Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?"
His Response:"Well my ancestors had him killed. Does that count?"
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