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Old 04-11-2010, 10:53 AM   #8
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by molson View Post
It kind of sounds like Clarett and his mother are still in denial.

He has zero chance to play in the NFL (he wasn't even good enough 4 years ago), but his real focus in life at this point should be not committing crimes.

I'm not sure there is any denial going on here. First off, he said he'd like to play in the NFL. I would too, doesn't mean I think it's going to happen. She didn't say anything about the NFL. Quite the opposite, she said it he used this experience to show that he wasn't just a running back.

Also, he may not have been good enough to play in the NFL 4 years ago, but that was also when he had a horrific attitude and his life was spiraling out of control. (please don't make that seem like I'm making excuses for him, he was an idiot, I'm just saying he wasn't exactly in a good place to try football)

He has no future in football. But it isn't going to hurt him at all to get in shape, workout and try to get a chance with someone, somewhere. (arena league, Canada, etc.)

He's only 26. I hope he realizes he still has time to lead a great life and achieve success in it. He's still young enough he can become something useful. I hope he takes advantage of it.
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