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Old 04-08-2010, 05:38 PM   #39
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Satellite of Love
This used to happen to me when I was a kid/teenager on summer break. A few times over break I'd get woken up by door-to-door soul savers. For awhile I listened to them. Got a few free books out of the deal (Mormons gave me a free Book of Mormon, a few others gave me pamphlets and small books).

It was when some of them started making 2nd and 3rd visits that my patience ran out. I either didn't answer the door (while making no effort to hide or pretend I wasn't home), or just told them I wasn't interested and closed the door before they could respond. I did feel bad about getting a bit nasty with this woman once. She caught me at a bad time and I said "I'm not in the mood for this" and slammed the door (her 2nd time at my door, and last).

That seemed to be the negative aspect of giving them a few minutes of my time. Like telemarketers after they smell some blood (through the phone line...), they targeted my house for repeat attempts.

But, I haven't had to deal with this is some time. Guess my work hours and their work hours are the same.
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