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Old 04-08-2010, 11:24 AM   #3
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Usually with all types of people like that I'll try to be polite. Even telemarketers - unless I'm in the middle of something. It's not their fault they need to make a buck, or do "religious service" by going door-to-door. No sense in being mean to your fellow human being.

If they're religious folks and not out to sell something per se, I might offer to bring them out a glass of water on the front steps or something, but I'd warn them that they shouldn't waste their time trying to convert me because not only would it be a complete waste of time, but my friendly & hospitable nature would dissapear in an instant.

Something like this:

JW: "Oh hi sir...we're Jehovah's Witnesses."
Me: "Let me stop you right there. I have no interest in listening to your religious pitch - it would only be a waste of time and turn this interaction hostile. I'd be happy to stand here out of the sun with you while you take a little break and offer you a glass of water and a cookie though. This must be very exhausting emotionally and physically. Relax for a few minutes."
JW: "Okay."

And then if they tried to weasel back in the religious stuff...I'd shake my head and go back inside and lock the door.
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Last edited by DaddyTorgo : 04-08-2010 at 11:25 AM.
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