Thread: Your kid's diet
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Old 04-07-2010, 05:50 PM   #57
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Location: Cary, NC
Originally Posted by ColtCrazy View Post
The big thing we don't allow our children to have is soft drinks. Our oldest has had Sprite on occasion when his stomach has felt bad, but otherwise nothing. Our daughter has never had one at all.

Otherwise, we allow "junk" Our oldest inherited my wife's sweet tooth. But they just know they have to have something 'healthy" first. Thankfully, our kids love fruit and often eat that as a snack. They are big into celery too for some off reason.

As for video games, my son loves them. My wife blames me as I'm a junkie and I wouldn't deny it. He played a lot in the winter, but now that it's getting warmer he's begging to go out more and more. He'll always play some games...he's got my geek gene.

Overall, I think we are pretty balanced. WIsh I could say the same for some kids in my class.

I'm mostly in this boat. Neither of my kids LIKE soft drinks, and both do like water, which we know is very fortunate for us. We limit junk food, it's mostly a treat. Desert ends up being more of a bribe to eat their whole dinner; they know they don't get anything if they don't eat the healthy stuff at dinner. Sometimes that's a motivator, sometimes it isn't. We have two kids that will gladly go to bed hungry rather than eat something they really don't want to eat. Both went through periods at 3-4 where they were VERY limited in what they wanted to eat. Our daughter has expanded quite a bit, although she still limits herself to just a couple of fruits and vegetables she'll eat, so that is a challenge getting her variety. Our son is just starting to come out of this period; he's suddenly decided he likes pretending to be a bunny and so likes miniature carrots raw for example.

All-in-all, not as healthy as we'd like, much healthier than we feared, and doing pretty well for the limited time we have to cook as a two-income household.
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