Thread: Your kid's diet
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:56 PM   #44
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Ashburn, VA
Though I don't have kids, I would like to follow-on to Mustang's question with, "How do you ensure that they get good food while at school?" I've been watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on ABC and it's been somewhat eye-opening.

I think I always knew that the nutrition requirements levied on school cafeterias was weird, but certain aspects are downright surprsing. Also, I know that when I was in school and buying lunch, I strongly preferred the chicken patty and fries to dry chicken and overcooked green beans from a can. But to see the way things get skewed, plus that the cost of the "food" is so much cheaper than fresh, it was an eye-opener.

When I wasn't buying school lunches, I usually would get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (which I've heard is now forbidden in many schools due to the higher prevalence of severe peanut allergies), two types of fruit of some sort (raisins and an apple, or apple + banana, or applesauce and orange, etc), and a granola bar. Sometimes yogurt, but I hated having to carry things that required an ice pack because I really can't stand soggy bread (which is also why I rarely ate cold cut sandwiches for lunch at school).

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