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Old 04-06-2010, 05:47 PM   #69
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by LoneStarGirl View Post
As a teacher who has quite a few bullies in my class this year, this story hits close to home. I am a 26 year old teacher and at our school we work in teams, which means there is an English, math, history, and science teacher all teaching the exact same kids and have common planning periods to discuss the best way to handle the students. The other three teachers i work with are old and have a 'dont touch' policy. They dont like talking to the kids about anything besides their work, they dont like hugging, they dont like caring for the most part.

Out of the 75 Gifted and Talented 7th graders I teach, 5 of them are hard core bullies. When the kids being bullied complain the other teachers tell them to get tough skin and sit down. I am the only one they can talk to about it, and when I go to administration to complain about the bullies, I'm told to get back to teaching because kids will be kids.

I even had a student die in a car wreck a month ago (hardest thing I have EVER dealt with in my life) and one of the bullies said 'good, i hope she burns in hell' in front of me and the girl' sobbing friends.... and nobody did anything about it... so I have no doubt in my mind that the administration in this story knew something about this poor girl being bullied, they just probably chose not to do anything about it
I just don't get why it's so hard to setup a system to remove these kids. If 5 kids are disrupting the lives of 75, then they should be removed.
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