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Old 04-06-2010, 03:07 PM   #21
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by sterlingice View Post
(Or, uh, don't bring a toddler on a plane)


Heh. This is one of those issues about which people get very militant on both sides. Of course, most things involving kids fall into that category.

My take is that the airline has the right (I assume) to ban kids under X from flying, but they choose not to. And kids past their second birthday pay for a ticket. So, why should parents not have the right to do it? Especially since they are paying for the right to do it. The airline clearly wants their money.

There may be a market for an airline that does not allow kids under X on the plane. Before I had a kid, I would have certainly preferred that. And, now that I do, I would just choose another airline.

But, as long as flying with kids is the norm, and the airlines don't provide us all with a way to segregate those of us with kids from those of you trying to get some sleep, we are left without any real choices.
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