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Old 04-06-2010, 01:30 PM   #63
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: San Diego via Sausalito via San Jose via San Diego
I was bullied for a little while in my freshman year of high school. I never told my dad about it or anyone else. However, I did finally figure out how to stop it...I became just as much of an asshole to them as they did me. That worked in my situation. However, in my sisters situation, there was zero she could do. She was not bullied nor was she the bully and didn't really know any of the parties involved. She happened to be standing by the boys bathroom when a kid who was bullied decided that he had had enough and starting shooting people in the boys bathroom.

He killed two boys in there before coming out and pointing the gun at my sister. Luckily, my sister figured out what was going on and turned tail and started to run. Can't out run a bullet though. She was shot, her friend running in front of her was shot with the same bullet that hit my sister.

My sister was shot in her triceps where the bullet then traveled down the length of her arm and exited her forearm. She almost lost her arm. Then she almost died because of blood clots.

So when I hear of teachers turning a blind eye to a kid being bullied or telling them to 'man up', needs to be fired or anyone saying that, "Hey, I was bullied and I turned out fine". Fuck you and your bullshit. I almost lost my sister and she wasn't even involved in the bullying. Bullying doesn't just affect the two parties involved, it affects everyone in one way or another.
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Last edited by JediKooter : 04-06-2010 at 01:32 PM.
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