Thread: Verizon iPhone?
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Old 04-05-2010, 09:37 PM   #11
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Kansas
Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
I have a few problems with Android in general, though I have not 100% ruled out the Nexus One or the Droid.

1) The touchscreen is FAR inferior to that of the iPhone (based on spending about an hour each with the Droid and Nexus One, I have friends of twith both). Especially on the Nexus One with no hardware keyboard, this is not acceptable.
2) I'm a committed iPod Touch user, so in order to switch, I have to KNOW that the apps I use daily on my iPod Touch are available on the Android Marketplace (some almost undoubtedly are, some may well not be). As of right now, in order to view the complete Android catalog, you have to have an Android device, otherwise you can get a selection of "featured" Apps.

But....I still have a lot of time to make a decision, so time will tell...


This is a very ugly site that has relatively recent listing of the Android marketplace. You can give it a search, but it's not all inclusive for sure, but I'm not sure there is a better alternative yet.

I was an avid Touch user beforehand, and since getting my Droid I haven't opened up iTunes(big Android plus in itself) or used my Touch apart from playing a game or two on it occasionally.

I'm a huge Android fanboy, so I'll get that out of the way early. I absolutely love it, and I can't imagine going to an iPhone now. The iPhone is definitely slicker and has the app catalog, but so far I've found everything I've needed on Android and I've had fantastic experiences with developers responding within hours to requests and sending me updated files to fix issues I had or requests I made.

I can't imagine not having my multi-tasking, widgets, or my wireless scheduled syncing. It's nice to wake up in the morning and have all my RSS feeds updated, Podcasts downloaded, etc...because I scheduled it for while I was asleep.

I really think in the end Android is for tinkerers. I've tried out a huge variety of custom ROMs(think custom OS builds), and all the possible tinkering within that...and the ability to customize most everything, from your SMS app, to default browsers and everything in between.

The touchscreen is definitely not as responsive though, and that's disappointing. I still occasionally am annoyed with it, but typing is much easier with a non-stock virtual keyboard. That is a downside. The upshot is man after using it for a while the Touch screen seems like looking at an old CRT monitor. Well not that bad, but you definitely notice an upgrade in resolution, and the Nexus is even nicer(if you're not in sunlight). It's really easy to root the Droid(I assume Nexus One also) and grab a Wireless Tethering app as well if you want to give your Touch access.

I think for an average user they'd probably be happier with an iPhone, but I think Android is a geek's dream, even if you're just a minor one. You can't go wrong with either though imo.

I do think that this iPhone to Verizon rumor has a lot more legs than the ones in the past, and I think it makes sense for Apple to do so. That's a load of customers they can get their hands on, and while they aren't the Android phones and Blackberries are flying off the shelves there.

Last edited by Calis : 04-05-2010 at 09:39 PM.
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