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Old 04-05-2010, 07:04 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by SteveBollea View Post

But yes, a middle class person pays slightly higher (in some cases) taxes in most other Western nations. For that slightly higher cost, they get close to free higher education, close to free health care, and guaranteed by law multiple weeks of vacation. I don' think it's a bad trade-off, you might disagree.

Sounds great. Has nothing to do with how Obamacare works though.

So where do you think all our money in the U.S. is going, that we spent way more and can't get anything close to that? What's going on there? Do you think if we give that entity way more money that will sort itself out? Why do we need to spend 100X what Europe does to get worse services? (I'm only estimating that it would take 100x more spending to get the Euro-level of services, considering what we spend now, and what we get). Doesn't it seem like THAT is the problem to address? I know why the U.S. government doesn't care about that problem, but I'm not sure why voters don't.

Last edited by molson : 04-05-2010 at 07:10 PM.
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