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Old 04-05-2010, 03:46 PM   #50
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
Whether she slept with someone or not, that shouldn't be excuse for an excessive campaign of terror on her. If the school is told a student is being massively interfered with, particularly at the extreme level hinted at here, the school should do something.

A 15 year old kid, regardless of what they did, shouldn't have to figure out how to handle an entire student population taking pot shots at them. Many adults can't handle everyday levels of stress, and you are expecting high standard mental toughness from teenagers? How is it hard to believe that the LEADING contributing factor to her suicide is the repeated attacks on her by everyone in her peer group? People want to bring up 'other factors' because they either want to shift the blame or they want to understand why the statistic isn't higher... both of which are useless.

There have been enough of these cases that you would think people would put together the common trend. While many do have a grab bag of random contributing factors (chemical imbalances, quick tempers, interests in weaponry/violence, drug use, sexual problems, other abuse, extreme violent bullying in the past.... you name it) the most common trend is systematic bullying at a level that noticeably goes above the norm and some significantly disturbing catalyst event that causes a crack after its been obviously building for a long time.
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