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Old 04-05-2010, 02:25 PM   #45
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: The Mountains
Suicide, especially at that age, isn't a rational decision, so I don't think you can apply rational motives to it.

Many, many (probably even most) people have suicidal thoughts, for some, it goes a little further to plan, and for others, there's even an attempt. Identifying whatever seperates those people, from the people that actually complete and succeed in the deed is kind of an elusive thing, I think. Anything could have distracted her that moment and kept her alive another day. Someone else who had contemplated suicide could have gone through with it if they had one more bad day than they did.

So I don't think there's necessarily unusual "issues" or anything going on here at all. This same fact pattern probably plays out thousands of times across the country every year. And from those incidents, occasionally there's the perfect storm to create this result.
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