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Old 04-05-2010, 11:45 AM   #35
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 View Post
The schools I've seen it implemented at, have posters everywhere, assemblies, and teachers reinforcing the idea that bullying is wrong and will not be tolerated from Kindergarden on up. It's talked about a few times a year, the posters are always there as a reminder, and most importantly if bullying is observed by the teachers, definitive action is taken. Of course, that relies on everyone to do their job properly which is an issue in any system. I don't think it is any magical cure but it helps some.

I second this, definitive action is the key... if you make it un-fun for the bully then they are less likely to do it. The victims can't stop it, if they do 'fight back' then the bully has their ego damaged and gets even more aggressive in their pestering (unless you totally obliterate them, but then you have to do something about the former bully who is now physically or mentally screwed up).
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