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Old 04-05-2010, 11:32 AM   #32
Hall Of Famer
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Location: Back in Houston!
Originally Posted by TheOhioStateUniversity View Post
Rather than reactive measures which aim to stifle individual acts of bullying and are akin to killing one roach at a time; I suggest school wide environmental interventions such as positive behavioral supports. These measures create an environment where the vile nature of bullying is fully understood by the children from kindergarten on and is not tolerated by anyone in the building due to a mutually agreed upon code of conduct.

I know this has been seconded and thirded quite a bit in the thread, but I'm not at all sure what this means and sounds a lot like buzz words rammed together. I mean, I know what it means in an ethereal sense. But, what concrete actions could be done to promote such actions? I think we pretty much all agree that bullying is bad. But what actual enumerable steps can be done to lessen bullying and not just shift it around (as JIMGA's power vacuum notes).

I'm not saying they're not out there. But I don't know what they are and we haven't really said anything in this thread that could prevent a thing.

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