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Old 04-05-2010, 10:45 AM   #30
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
In my experience schools are very unfair in their punishments, often the worst offenders are allowed to run amock, whereas if you don't look like a thug if you get caught doing anything they throw the book at you. I think most administrators are human garbage, maybe its just my local district though.

There is no reason to allow bullying in schools, and they should at least take all reasonable measures to reduce/prevent it. Most bullies are petty crooks in training, and cowards in general.

For anyone who thinks there were 'other factors', imagine your entire life consists of being teased, ridiculed, and isolated. With physical attacks interspersed amongst loneliness and disrespect. Hell, most adults get depressed over relatively weaker stimuli than that... if such passive wear and tear can drive people to kill themselves, why not active harassment over an extended period of time? There is no doubt for me that is the reason she is dead, they'll find some bullshit story they cook up, probably involving chemicals and nonsense talk (they want every kid to be trainquilized into a zombie these days).
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