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Old 04-04-2010, 10:48 AM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2000
There are so many things that disturb me about this.

For one, I was bullied and bullied bad. It led to severe depression and near suicide when I was in junior high school to about 10th grade. I was 5'3" 90 pounds as a SO in high school. Even littler in junior high. (FWIW, I'm now 6'3", 200 pounds) I was kicked in the stomach, had my nose broke once, had books thrown into bathrooms or trash cans, my locker was useless. . . it was broken into and trashed at least once a week. Did the administrators of the school know? You bet your ass they knew. It was a large JHS and HS, but when the pack mentality starts in, they don't care where they do it and they get more brazen.

Now, did my parents know? No, they didn't. I internalized everything. All I wanted it to do was stop. The last thing I wanted was for it to get worse. I figured if I told my father that's what would happen.

I find it very hard to believe that the teachers did not know something major was going on. In the girls first couple of months she's dating a popular football player? Then she goes to suicide? I can promise you that even if they didn't see a single incident, that girl was going through hell and it showed. I'm also sure administrators saw some of this stuff happening and figured it's just kids being kids. I hope the investigation finds out the truth and those who did look the other way look for jobs the other way.

As a postscript to my story, when I went to my HS reunion, I had many people come up and apologize for their conduct and said they regretted what they had done. I think what TheOhioStateUniversity said is the only way this can be helped. (not stopped, but helped)
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