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Old 04-04-2010, 02:14 AM   #22
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by Samdari View Post
I am confused as to why everyone is disappointed that the banks don't prosecute these guys. Banks do not have the power or authority to prosecute criminals.
Not disappointed they won't prosecute, disappointed they don't take better steps to fighting fraud. See they used to awhile back but now don't need to. If your card is stolen and $5000 in charges is put on it, they'll wipe it off your bill, send you a new card, and force the retail stores to pay the bill.

There is little incentive for them to fight it. They don't file police reports often, nor help in the investigations whatsoever. It's just disappointing when I have a fraudulent transaction go through, I call up Visa and tell them they should contact the cardholder because it appears their number has been stolen and they say "oh well, nothing we can do about it". So if your card ever gets hit and it causes some hassle, just know that a helpful vendor may have called up to stop it sooner and they told them to fuck off.
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